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     I am studying the self-assembly mechanism of soft matter, including biomolecules, to understand how they form specific aggregated structures. I am not only trying to understand physically and chemically how self-assembly uniquely proceeds in complex and thermally fluctuating systems, but also trying to understand how such self-assembly mechanisms are related to biological phenomena.

    To solve this issue, I believe that it is not sufficient to use the coarse graining or the mean-field approximations, which have been widely performed in the soft matter physics, but that it is also essential to consider the microscopic aspects of the molecular characteristics. For this reason, I have been conducting research by incorporating a chemical perspective into physical research topics, and have been challenging various problems between physics and chemistry that have been difficult to handle so far.


 I am particularly interested in self-assembled structures on the mesoscale (nm to hundreds of mm) of phospholipid bilayers, which are models of biomembranes, and micelles of surfactants. Recently, I am also working on liquid crystals, polymers, and biomolecules such as proteins.


 One of the characteristics of my research way is that I use a variety of experimental techniques depending on the research topic. I am particularly good at various microscopy techniques, X-ray scattering, elastic and inelastic neutron scattering, thermometry, infrared and terahertz spectroscopy, and so on. I also conduct theoretical research. This allows us to perform structural and kinetic analyses in a wide range of space (Å to hundreds of mm) and time (ps to s), and to approach the hierarchically expanding world of soft matter from various perspectives.

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